Thursday, October 3, 2013


Reminiscing on day 3 of my October push to raise money for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.

As the chemo treatments began to take a toll on my body, my workouts started to dwindle. With low energy and a general feeling of malaise, I didn't have the same spunk I used previously to complete workouts. We directly followed 4 months of chemo with 17 bouts of radiation. Even more exhausted, I was soon using time that was previously for working out to take naps. After it was all over, I started to ease back into my strength and cardio routines feeling disappointed at what I was unable to accomplish.

Now, for the last 5 months, I have been working out at Spartan Strength. The other day I looked back at where I was 2 years ago and realized how far I have come from those low energy, icky feeling days. I realize now that even though I may not have been able to lift the same amount of weight or run as hard during those chemo days, I was doing my best and striving to be better than the day before. Sometimes our progress may feel slow, but if we keep moving forward we will look back one day and realize how all those small steps add up to something significant.

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